
DIV.00066 港鐵派息 以股代息

2646 @ $0.98 = $2593.08  69 股 = $2592.33 (尾數 $0.75 = 76.5% 每股股息)

28 @ $0.98 = $27.44 + $0.75 = $28.19


British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong



British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

Information for British National (Overseas) citizens on immigration to the UK following the announcement of national security legislation in Hong Kong.
The UK will create a new immigration route for British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) citizens and their dependants.
This page will be updated with the latest information about this immigration route.

New immigration route for BN(O) citizens

The UK will open a ‘Hong Kong BN(O) Visa’ for BN(O) citizens and their close family members from January 2021.
You’ll be able to apply for this route from outside or inside the UK.
You’ll be able to apply to enter or remain in the UK for an initial period of 30 months, extendable by a further 30 months, or a single period of 5 years. You’ll be able to work and study but you won’t be able to access public funds such as social welfare benefits.
You’ll be able to apply to settle in the UK (also called ‘indefinite leave to remain’) once you’ve lived here for 5 years. After 12 months with this status you can apply for British citizenship.
To be eligible for this visa route you’ll need to show that you:
  • have BN(O) status – you don’t need valid BN(O) passport to show this and you don’t need to request a new passport if it’s expired or has been lost
  • normally live in Hong Kong
  • can accommodate and support yourself financially in the UK for at least 6 months
  • show a commitment to learn English, where appropriate
  • get a tuberculosis (TB) test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office
  • pay a fee and the immigration health surcharge
Read the Hong Kong BN(O) settlement visa policy statement for more information on these arrangements.

Current status of BN(O) citizens

If you’re a BN(O) citizen you can stay in the UK as a visitor for up to 6 months without a visa. However, you are subject to immigration control and, as a visitor, do not have the right to live, work or take up long term study in the UK. You can’t access public funds and must pay for non-urgent healthcare.
View more detailed information about BN(O) citizen status.
Check if you need a visa if you need to come to the UK for more than 6 months, or to work or study.

Entering the UK before the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa is available

If you’re not eligible to enter the UK under an existing immigration route, Border Force Officers may be able to consider granting ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ at the UK border for a period of 6 months to you and your accompanying dependants.
To be considered, you’ll need to show:
  • your identity
  • your BN(O) citizen status
  • that you normally live in Hong Kong
  • that you can accommodate support yourself financially in the UK
You’ll also need to show evidence of any non-BN(O) dependants’ family links to you. A dependant is any of the following:
  • spouse or civil partner
  • unmarried partner
  • child (under the age of 18 when they first applied)
  • other family members where they can show there is a high level of dependency

Identity and BN(O) citizen status

You’ll need a valid passport to show proof of identity.
You can use a valid or expired BN(O) citizen passport to show your BN(O) citizen status.
If you do not have a BN(O) passport the Home Office may be able to look at records to check your status.

Hong Kong residence

To be eligible for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ you must usually live in Hong Kong. You can prove your evidence of residence by showing:
  • a Hong Kong identity card
  • a letter from an employer or education provider confirming your employment or study in Hong Kong
  • a Hong Kong medical card
  • a voter’s card
  • a visa or residence permit or other immigration documents
  • an educational record, for example a school report
  • a letter from the local council or a government department in Hong Kong
  • tax records
  • records of rent or mortgage payments
The list of evidence is not exhaustive. We may consider other forms of evidence on a case-by-case basis.

Evidence that you can accommodate and support yourself financially

You’ll need to show that you can provide accommodation and financial support for yourself and any of your dependants for at least 6 months .
You can show this with:
  • bank statements that show savings
  • evidence of regular income that will continue whilst in the UK, such as salary, investment or pension payments
  • investment details
  • receipt of educational grants from overseas
  • an offer of employment in UK
  • income of a partner, spouse or other family member to which you have access, for example parental funding or a spouse’s salary earned through lawful working in the UK
  • an offer of accommodation from family or friends
The list of evidence is not exhaustive. We may consider other forms of evidence on a case-by-case basis.

Evidence of your relationship

You’ll need to show evidence of your dependant’s relationship to you.

If they’re your spouse or civil partner

You must show a marriage or civil partnership certificate.

If they’re your unmarried partner

You must show that you’ve been living together in a relationship similar to a marriage or civil partnership for at least 2 years.

If they’re your child

You’ll need to show evidence that you are their parent, adopted parent or guardian such as:
  • full birth certificate
  • adoption certificate
  • a court order, such as a special guardianship order

What you can and cannot do

As a person with ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ you and your dependants can:
  • work
  • study
You cannot:
  • get public funds
  • use the NHS for free (except for free services)
Published 22 July 2020


823 MSP Adjust

2020/07/20 轉賬交易 HKD   3.90 #823 MSP Adjust

話當日買入價本身係 $63.35,但證券公司之後話實質買入價係 $63.25

係唔係當日 $63.35 成交嘅股數根本冇某一名大戶嘅成交咁多,所以大戶投訴呀 XD?


月供股票 CVII + 股息投資

0003: 212 @ $11.70 = $2480.40
0066: 50 @ $39.80 = $1990.00
0823: 31 @ $63.35 = $1963.85
1038: 24 @ $40.15 = $963.60
1997: 45 @ $32.85 = $1478.25
2588: 20 @ $48.30 = $966.00
2778: 236 @ $4.22 = $995.92


0003: 85 @ $11.70 = $994.50
0823: 8 @ $63.35 = $506.80

21/7 更新:
823 買入價 $63.25,詳情參見 823 MSP Adjust

0003: 212 @ $11.70 = $2480.40
0066: 50 @ $39.80 = $1990.00
0823: 31 @ $63.25 = $1960.75
1038: 24 @ $40.15 = $963.60
1997: 45 @ $32.85 = $1478.25
2588: 20 @ $48.30 = $966.00
2778: 236 @ $4.22 = $995.92


0003: 85 @ $11.70 = $994.50
0823: 8 @ $63.25 = $506.00


MCO 金屬信用卡!開卡送 25 USD!額外再回贈多 100 HKD!

另一賣點就係隨住你 stake 唔同銀碼嘅加密幣會有免費 Spotify 同 Netflix 回贈,同埋有機場貴賓室用,而 stake 緊嘅加密幣仲會有利息添

以我 stake 緊 500 MCO 為例,就有以下嘅回贈喇!

  • 3% 回贈
  • 免費 Spotify
  • 免費 Netflix
  • 機場貴賓室
  • 6% 利息

其實有好多網頁都有介紹呢張卡,大家都可以去睇清楚先決定申唔申請。不過講多無謂,如果你被我推薦申請紅卡或以上 (stake 50 MCO),你有 50 USD,我都有 50 USD
而被我推薦仲有額外回贈,我會用 payme 畀一百蚊港紙你!
歡迎係下方留低聯絡方法,我盡快覆你 (留言自動上鎖,唔會公開,放心留低聯絡方法)


4/8/2020 更新:
MCO 信用卡變成 CRO 信用卡,新人想入坑嘅成本大降
而且由 6% 利息變成 16%!


31/10/2020 更新:
迎新優惠開始縮水,每人得返 25 USD,利息都好似縮埋水
歡迎係下方留低聯絡方法,我盡快覆你 (留言自動上鎖,唔會公開,放心留低聯絡方法)